DIGITAL movies for jumpstarting conversations

This page features digital shorts for teaching + discussion, mostly around mentoring + spiritual formation for parents and youth workers.

Under the Moon + Stars [feat. Mark Yaconelli]
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $4.00

Mark Yaconelli has done a great many things in five decades - some of which may be traceable to what happened under the moon + stars when he was 13.

Under the Moon + Stars is solid way to illustrate a talk - or jumpstart group conversation - about moments that reorient our lives because someone takes us seriously.


Under the moon + stars [feat. mark yaconelli]

Mark Yaconelli has done a great many things in five decades - some of which may be traceable to what happened under the moon + stars when he was 13.

Under the Moon + Stars is solid way to illustrate a talk - or jumpstart group conversation - about moments that reorient our lives because someone takes us seriously.

Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $5.00


If you ask how someone is doing, but don’t really intend to listen if their answer is anything other than, "fine" … well … just don’t.

Flannel Graph Jesus
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $5.00

Just Like It Says in the Bible
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $5.00

Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $5.00

Trust Me [feat. Lawn Chair Guy]
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $5.00

Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $5.00

flannel graph jesus [feat. the post-ironic millennial]

Is it any wonder that young folks take a pass on Flannel Graph Jesus? The Post-Ironic Millennial thinks not.


just like it says in the bible[feat. the post-ironic millennial]

The second-oldest profession is telling people what God "really" meant by X, Y or Z. The Post-Ironic Millennial wonders if he's the only one who's noticed this mostly turns out to benefit the people in charge.


remember [feat. the post-ironic millennial]

The second-oldest profession is telling people what God "really" meant by X, Y or Z. The Post-Ironic Millennial wonders if he's the only one who's noticed this mostly turns out to benefit the people in charge.


Trust Me [feat. the post-ironic millennial]

Lawn Chair Guy is getting comfortable with the plain truth that nobody is any more messed than he is (not was - is). This is a very different starting point for a conversation about God than he was led to believe


Homer [feat. Lawn Chair Guy]

The Lawn Chair Guy watched a lot of Simpsonsgrowing up — don't judge... it's how he was raised. So he knows that just about everything that can happen has happened to Homer or someone Homer knows. As it turns out, these are not the only stories the Lawn Chair Guy knows.

I’d Chew My Own Leg Off

The Dog’s Dilemma [feat. Lawn Chair Guy]
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $5.00

i’d chew my own leg off [feat. lawn chair guy]

The Lawn Chair Guy has had just about all the small talk he can stomach. Now he's wondering, "If someone has to go first in order to take the conversation deep instead of shallow... why not me?”


the dog’s dilemma [feat. the post-ironic millennial]

Living is choosing. Choosing is risking. Yes to one thing = No to another. That’s the dog’s dilemma. 



What happens when you find out somebody everyone trusts has been abusing kids … and you’re a church….

This was originally produced for a youth worker training … it isn’t new but, sadly, it isn’t old either.