I provide content design, creative services, and production services for businesses, publishers and nonprofits. 

View some of my digital movie portfolio here.

Browse some of my original content here.

I named my practice The Tiny Company Called Me because if you hire me, you get me (plus a friend or two as needed).

When push comes to shove, I’ve been known to develop a website or two…





 Intelligent Stranger

My work as an intelligent stranger starts with an invitation to enter somebody else's space, where I observe and ask questions until I can make sense of what I'm seeing and hearing.

Then I report what I find and make recommendations for solving problems and seizing opportunities.

My Intelligent Stranger skill set includes...

  • hard-core openness

  • relentless curiosity

  • playing dumb

  • sustained attention

  • fearless listening

  • pattern recognition

  • telling the truth to the limits of my ability

Because soft skills are very hard for many leaders, it’s good to know there’s an Intelligent Stranger available for lunches, phone calls, venting, spitballing, mediation, crisis response, networking, special projects, brainstorming and blue sky mining. Honestly, it’s not always easy to know how to charge for some of these services. It usually works out.